Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lesson 11

Step 1: Use the LDS Scripture Citation Index ( to find inspiring and edifying teachings (two quotes each for a total of six) from General Authorities related to:
  • 64: 9–11,
  • 64: 33–34
  • and one other scripture reference in section 64 of your choice
Step 2: For each of the three references, tell how these quotes help you understand and apply principles in those passages.

"Most of us need time to work through pain and loss. We can find all manner of reasons for postponing forgiveness." James E. Faust

"Like many good things, forgiveness begins in the home. We must remember to teach our children that even if others fail to be kind and considerate, we ought to be slow to condemn and very quick to forgive. We need not be tolerant of sin, but we must become tolerant and forgiving of the sinner." 

These quotes help me understand forgiveness more because I experienced a fairly bitter time in my life when I didn't want to forgive someone.  He'd hurt his family extremely because of his actions.  It never really directly affected me, but it had indirect affect on me.  My feelings toward him were not good and I was upset even though it happened long ago.  I did find reasons to 'postpone' my forgiveness toward him as the quote states above.  Then I learned like the second quote says, to be tolerant of the sinner, but not the sin.  I don't necessarily like the person, but I am tolerant of him because I know that everyone makes mistakes and has weaknesses.


"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."-James E. Faust.

" Ultimately you and I will be judged not only for our actions, but also for the desires of our hearts."-Marvin J. Ashton

I liked the scriptures on having a willing heart and being obedient.  I also loved the way that James E. Faust says that obedience turns into a building block.  I know that I have begrudgingly been obedient before and it was something that I struggled with.  I have to usually work my way out of that attitude and it gets easier every day to turn those into building blocks.  I feel that this ties into the second quote because if the desires of our hearts are in the right place we are so much more likely to be obedient.  I feel that the desires of our hearts are important in shaping who we are now and who we will become.


"Exercise your faith. Pay your tithing." Earl C. Tingey

"Tithing develops and tests our faith. By sacrificing to the Lord what we may think we need or want for ourselves, we learn to rely on Him. Our faith in Him makes it possible to keep temple covenants and receive eternal temple blessings."-Robert D. Hales

I really like verse 23 because during high school my testimony of tithing grew so very much.  We also just talked in institute last night about how the Lord doesn't need our money.  He could find a way to provide if it were necessary.  It is the principle, it is a test.  Are we willing to obey?  One of the questions to get a temple recommend is about tithing.  We must pay it to enter.  We must also have a good heart about it or it seems to just be pointless.  The Lord will provide for us if we obey Him.  I have no doubt about that.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lesson Nine

Who’s who in the Doctrine and Covenants? Look up ten names of people you are unfamiliar with that are mentioned in Section 52, and read a brief biography of them in Susan Easton Black’s Who’s Who in the Doctrine and Covenants (or a comparable resource available to you). What do you learn about their lives that helps you better appreciate the principles of the gospel as taught in the revelations? How are you like/unlike these people? What can you learn from their lives that will help you be a better disciple in your own?
1. Lyman Wight
2.  John Corrill
3.  John Murdock
4.  Ezra Thayre
5.  Isaac Morley
6.  Ezra Booth
7.  Harvey Whitlock
8.  Solomon Hancock
9.  Edson Fuller
10.  Jacob Scott
The things that stuck out to me about these people and their lives was how willing they were to serve the Lord.  Not many of them second guessed what they were asked to do, they just blindly went out and did as they were called to do.  They all came from different backgrounds and learned the gospel, and through that they were able to come together as one in purpose.  One of the goals in the church is to become a Zion people, one in heart and in mind.  When all these missionaries came together to serve the Lord, they were as one.  Some of them fell away from the church after which is a hard thing to read, but it happens.  They did believe and they did share the gospel while they were still a part of it.  They were still willing to serve and give up their time when they were following Jesus Christ.
I feel that I am like them in the fact that I am usually willing to serve, however, it would be hard for me to serve in the extent that they did.  They gave up more than I will probably ever have to and I admire that.  I think I am also like them in the fact that I try to seize missionary opportunities, but unlike them because I’m not a full time missionary.  They were dedicated and diligent, moreso than me and I strive to be like them someday.
The thing that I can learn from their lives is to go where the Lord wants me to go and do the things that He wants me to do.  I can learn to be willing to give everything up for the sake of the church, and have a good attitude about it.  I feel that I can learn to be diligent in teaching others about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that there are many ways for me to improve and become more like these men.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lesson Eight

            What are the ten most significant signs you feel the Lord is giving his Saints in this revelation? Please explain, describe, and reference these signs in section 45. ​Feel free to share any personal thoughts about these signs as you describe them.

1.       D&C 45:26 There will be wars and rumors of wars.
a.       I feel like we see this happening every day.  There are wars between many different countries.  Some we don’t hear about as often, but they are still there, still happening.

2.       D&C 45:27 The love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound.
a.       I really feel that this is significant because it is so obvious.  The people in the world draw farther away from important values every day.  The value secular things, such as money, instead of valuing what is truly important.

3.       D&C 45:29 They will turn their hearts from God because of the precepts of men.
a.       Precepts means the rules that regulate behaviors and thoughts.   When we allow the precepts of men to rule what we think, they have the power to turn us against our Heavenly Father and the things we need to know.

4.       D&C 45:32 His disciples will stand in holy places and not be moved.
a.       As student’s of BYU-I, we are members of a ‘Discipleship Preparation Center’. ( We have a responsibility as His disciples to uphold His work and stand for what we know to be true.

5.       D&C 45:33 There will be earthquakes and many desolations.
a.       We hear of catastrophes happening so often.  I feel like every day there is a new disaster, natural or otherwise.  I feel that this sign is a very obvious one for us to see.

6.       D&C 45:33  Men will kill one another.
a.       Murder happens so often in the world we live in.  Coldblooded, heartless murder.  It is not getting better, and unfortunately it sounds like it won’t get better.  We will have to just stick it out until Jesus Christ comes again.

7.       D&C 45:24-25  Many will be scattered, but they will be gathered again.
a.       This is a huge sign!  There are so many missionaries right now who are working to gather people.  They are being sent all throughout the world to help.  My stake has 35 missionaries.  That averages about 6 missionaries in each ward, who are all serving to bring others to the Lord.

8.       D&C 45:45 The saints who have died will be resurrected and meet Jesus Christ.
a.       I think that this is a wonderful sign.  How great it is for those righteous saints to have the ability to see Jesus Christ after they are resurrected.  It is such a blessing and I really like reading this sign.

9.       D&C 45:42 The sun will be darkened.
a.       This sign is kind of scary and intimidating to me, but I know that I should not be worried.  It seems like it will be one of the very last signs, and we will know without a doubt that the Lord is coming.

10.   D&C 45:26  The whole earth will be in commotion.
a.       I feel like this is a huge sign right now.  It goes along with the wars and rumors of wars of course, but I feel that there’s even smaller, simpler examples.  I think that there is commotion in families, states, countries, and the world.  The institution of marriage is not as sacred as it should be and families fall apart every day.

            What three main principles of the gospel does God emphasize and associate with these Second Coming signs that a disciple living during such turbulent times would be wise to give heed to?

I feel that one point the Lord emphasizes is the gathering.  It is important that we get as many people to hear the gospel message as we possibly can.  We must be active participants in the gathering, even if we aren’t full time missionaries.  There are so many ways that we can help, even if it’s simply inviting a nonmember friend to an FHE.

Another point the Lord emphasizes is preparation.  We must be prepared.  I feel like this is stressed.  We cannot afford to not be prepared.  I think that we must find out what we need to do to be prepared, then do it.

The last point I feel He emphasizes is to keep His commandments and follow Him.  We know that we must do our best in order to be saved, and the Lord reminds us of that quite a few times in this section of scripture.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lesson Seven

What is the Lord’s definition of a disciple? (Section 41)

The Lord's definition of disciple is one who receives his law and does it.

Based upon the standards that the Lord gives to the Church in the “law” Section (42), create twenty “Disciple Recommend Questions” which could be asked of someone claiming to be a disciple of Christ. Use the specified verses to make your questions as clear as you can.

Example: Do you refrain from idleness? (v. 42)

  • (v. 11–14) Do you use the authority you have to teach the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

  • (v. 18–19) Have you murdered anyone?

  • (v. 20) Do you steal?

  • (v. 21) Are you honest?

  • (v. 22–24) Are you faithful to your spouse or significant other?

  • (v. 27) Do you gossip or do any other harmful thing to your neighbor?

  • (v. 29) Do you keep the commandments of God?

  • (v. 30–34, 37–39) Do you help the needy and poor by consecrating what you are blessed with?

  • (v. 40) Are you prideful?

  • (v. 41) Are you clean in your thoughts, words, and deeds?

  • (v. 42) Are you idle?

  • (v. 43–44) Do you have faith in preisthood blessings?

  • (v. 45) Do you love your neighbors?

  • (v. 52) Do you have the faith to be healed by the power of the priesthood?

  • (v. 53) Will you take on responsibilities in the church?

  • (v. 54–55) Will you take excess materials and donate them to the storehouse for those in need?

  • (v. 56–60) Do you earnestly study the scriptures, and share them with others?

  • (v. 61) Do you ask so that you might receive revelation from Heavenly Father?

  • (v. 75–87) Do you trust the judgement of your leaders if you've committed a crime that you must use authority to repent of?

  • (v. 88–92) Do you keep private matters private?
When you have a question for each reference, conduct a personal interview asking yourself each of the questions. How well did you do? Which questions could you personally improve on? In a short paragraph, reflect on which of the “laws” in Section 42 are easiest for you to obey and which require more of an effort on your part. Why do you think those you chose are easier/harder for you?

I feel like I do fairly well at most of these questions. I know that there are many things I could improve on as well though. I don't want to get too much into detail about the ones that I could improve on, but I will say that one of them is gossiping. I'm not awful about it, but I need to work on not doing it so often. I am the one who will immediately tell my best friend something as soon as I find out. It's hard to keep it in sometimes. Some that are the easiest for me are things like not murdering. It's easier because I have no desire to take someone's life and put my eternal life in jeopardy. I know that it's the small ones that take the most work, and I plan on working on them so that I might become a better person.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lesson Six

I chose to do activity number 1.

What counsel does God give to the gatherers on the gathering? Any insights into the who, what, where, when, how, and whyof gathering that you notice in these sections, please explain below. You should have a minimum of ten references and explanations as well as a couple of questions that come from your study of these sections.

1.    Who is gathered first? Focus. (29:7, 30:6, 28:8–9, 32:2)

  • The last three scriptures talk about missionary work being taken to the Lamanites.  The first one talks about the Lord's elect people which I believe are the Lamanites because of the scriptures that follow. The elect are chosen before the world was founded but must follow the gospel and make covenants with the Lord.  People can be elect in many different ways.  Some are elect to do one thing, others are elect for another. 

2.    What are the harvest conditions of the world? (31:4, 33:4)

  • The harvest conditions of the world are "white already to be burned" and his "vineyard has become corrupted".  I looked up the footnotes for 31:4 and it took me to scriptures about missionary work and the importance of serving the Lord and being diligent.  33:4 took me to scriptures about evil, putting off repentance to have fun now, churches that defile our God, and unhappy things in general.

3.    What time period in the harvest is the world? (33:3)

  • The time period in the harvest is the "eleventh hour".  The eleventh hour refers to now because this is the time right before the Lord comes.  

4.    Where will the elect be found? (33:6)

  • The elect will be found and gathered from the four quarters of the earth.  I believe that this is referring to the whole world which makes perfect sense because we have missionaries in every part of the world.

5.    What are the key attributes of successful gatherers? (38:8–12, 36:3, 
31:3–4, 34: 10, 35: 23)

  • Successful gatherers are prepared.  They blessed, they have a loosed tongue, they search the scriptures, and they are worthy.

6.    What do we gather to? Why? (33:13)

  • We gather to the rock of the Lord's church.  If we are founded on the rock of the church, the gates of Hell will not have power over us.  We will be able to stand strong against the devil.

7.    What are the teachings that gather? (34:6)

  • Teachings that gather are teachings of repentance, and teachings of preparing for the Lord's second coming.

8.    Who does God use to gather? (35:12–15, 36:5–7)

  • God uses the weak ones of the Lord to take the gospel to all nations.  He will make the weak strong to preach.  He wants every man who will embrace it to be ordained and sent forth to preach His gospel.

9.    Who directs the gathering? (35:25)

  • Heavenly Father is the director of the gathering.  It will take place in His time and by who he leads.

10.  Where does God want the saints to gather? (37:1–3)

  • God wants the saints to gather in Ohio and stay there until the Gospel has been preached in all the parts there.

11.  What are some patterns and principles of gathering? (38:32–33)

  • Some patterns that I see are the patterns of moving to wherever the Lord wants.  He wanted them to go to Ohio, eventually He wanted them to go to Utah.  He directs us where we need to go to spread the gospel and gather.  Some principles are that Israel will be saved and the Lord will lead us always.

I loved learning more about the gathering of Israel.  It's strengthened my testimony of missionary work and of the importance of doing MY part to gather Israel.  We all have a duty and a part in the gathering and we need to learn what that is now.  We can all help the Lord's important work in the gathering.  The first step is praying to know what we can do to help and then getting to work.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lesson Five

I chose choice #1 which is:
  • What five principles of revelation does the Hiram Page crisis in section 28 teach members of the church?
  • What does section 28 teach you about the tension between personal revelation and agency with prophetic revelation and authority? Which is more important? Why?

  • What five principles of revelation does the Hiram Page crisis in section 28 teach members of the church?

  •           1. No other person besides Joseph Smith, the prophet, can receive revelation for the chirch and the members of the church.
              2.  Joseph Smith has been given the keys to reveal the mysteries of the church which are sealed.
              3.  No member of the church can receive revelation for those who are a higher authority than him.
              4.  "When visions, dreams, tongues, prophecy, impressions or any extraordinary gift or inspiration, convey something out of harmony with the accepted revelations of the Church or contrary to the decisions of its constituted authorities, Latter-day Saints may know that it is not of God, no matter how plausible it may appear."        
              5.  All things should be done by the prayer of faith.

    • What does section 28 teach you about the tension between personal revelation and agency with prophetic revelation and authority? Which is more important? Why?
             After reading through section 28 in the student manual and the Doctrine and Covenants, I feel that I understand these concepts a lot more.  Personal revelation is a very important thing to understand because it will always be crucial in our lives.  We will always need personal revelation when we are making decisions or trying to learn more.  Anything from prayers to scripture study to the decision of who to marry can use personal revelation, and they should.  There is a line that is drawn when it comes to personal revelation.  Hiram Page crossed that line when he was giving false revelations that he received for the whole church. 
            Personal revelation is just what it says.  It's PERSONAL.  We receive it for ourselves and no one else.  We cannot receive revelation for others unless we are in a higher authority position in the church than they are.  Even then we must be sure that we understand and are giving them true information.  My friends and peers cannot receive revelation for me.  It is up to me to pray and do the things that I should to have Heavenly Father tell me what He needs me to know and do.
            Prophetic revelation is important because the prophet is the mouthpiece for our Heavenly Father.  The prophet's voice is crucial to learning the mysteries of our Father.  We can learn what we need to do to prepare and build a Zion where we stand.  We can never go wrong if we listen to the prophet because he receives that which he teaches straight from the Lord.  He has the authority to do so, and he has the most authority of anyone else.  Authority is so important to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints because that is how the whole church is run.
             I believe that prophetic revelation is more important than personal revelation.  The prophet speaks more directly to Heavenly Father than I do.  I believe that I can receive revelation for myself, but I believe the prophet receives more firm revelation.  It's also easy to hear what I want to hear, if I don't set aside my desires.  I can convince myself that I heard something when Heavenly Father is trying to tell me something else.  I also might not receive revelation if I am unworthy.  I might still think that I received it when I didn't.  It's dependent on many factors but when the prophet reveals things we know that it is true and clear with no doubt.  It is important that we are in tune with ourselves but it is also important that we listen to the prophet and do as he says.

    Thursday, October 13, 2011

    Lesson Four

    I chose activity number three because it was about Emma Smith and I've always been interested in the life that she lived because I know it wasn't easy.

    • What are ten attributes of “an elect lady” that you observe in your reading of section 25? Reference and explain them in your own words.
    1. Comforter. Verse 5.  An elect lady will comfort others in times of need.

    2. Seeker.  Verse 10.  An elect lady will seek for things better than the things of the world.

    3. Rejoicer.  Verse 12.  An elect lady will rejoice in keeping covenants she has made with the lord.

    4.  Meek.  Verse 14.  An elect lady is meek and humble.

    5. Not prideful.  Verse 14.  An elect lade refrains from finding things to be prideful about.

    6.  Delighted in her husband.  Verse 14.  An elect lady supports and stays happy with her husband and the decisions he makes.

    7. Keeps His commandments.  Verse 15.  An elect lady will keep the commandments of God so she may return to live with Him.

    8. Doesn't murmur.  Verse 4.  An elect lady will not murmur when she doesn't receive the things that she desires of the Lord.

    9.  Virtuous.  Verse 2.  An elect lady is virtuous and true to the Lord.

    10.  Faithful.  Verse 2.  An elect lady is faithful before the Lord, and will receive an inheritance in Zion.
    • What do you know about Emma’s life that matches well with the admonitions given to her in this revelation?
    I've heard that Emma does eventually leave the church.  I don't know many details but I know that she was unhappy with the way things were running after Joseph died.  I feel that she was not being faithful to the Lord and she was trying to forge her own way.  I think that she let doubts and fears get to her after Joseph left the earth.
    • What in this list would be difficult for women of the world to understand, accept, or even appreciate?
          I think that it would be hard for women of the world to understand being meek.  Women today are very prideful and only getting moreso as time passes.  I think that they are trying too hard to take over the roles of the men.  I am old fashioned when it comes to roles in the home.  I am not a feminist and many women today are.  They put way too much time and effort into making themselves something instead of supporting their families and husbands. 
           I also know that today for the women of the world it's hard to accept being virtuous.  I think of this from a moral point of view more than anything else.  Women today don't care about keeping their bodies sacred.  The amount of immodesty today blows me away.  Many have no reservations about having intimate relationships before they're married or even after they're married.  Virtue is a very important subject to me and I feel it is so overlooked these days.
    • In what ways are women of the church different from women of the world?
    I think that many women in the church actually do have these qualities that Emma had.  They are faithful, virtuous, meek, supportive, etc.  They follow the commandments they are given without hesitation.  Those who struggle with the commandments still try and that is what I think is most important.  I feel like if women are trying to do the best they can and continually improving themselves, they will eventually get there.  I know that there really isn't anything you can do except try because nobody is perfect.  Women un the church understand the importance of trying to attain these attributes.
    • Read Elder Neal A. Maxwell and Sister Julie Beck’s message on the women of God and share your impressions and a meaningful quote from each talk (see attachments).
    I absolutely loved Neal A. Maxwell's message.  I felt the spirit just reading it.  It made me feel important and loved as a woman in the church.  I feel like some men don't understand and appreciate the women of the church and this was a wonderful talk to those men. 
         I liked the quote, "So often our sisters comfort others when their own needs are greater than those being comforted."  I liked this because it made me think of my mother and many other mothers I know.  They are so selfless and care so much more about others.  I don't tell them I appreciate them enough and I should more.  Many women put aside their own wants, desires, and concerns to help those around them.  It amazes me.

    I couldn't find the talk that Sister Beck gave, so I looked up some quotes and chose one that stood out to me.  She said, "Everything we do in Relief Society matters because Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, visited Joseph Smith and, through him, the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.  Relief Society was part of that restoration."  This meant a lot to me because it's easy for me to overlook the things that we do in Relief Society.  I feel like I can't make a difference by doing one thing, or simple things.  This quote helped me look back and reflect on things that sisters in the church do.   I like having the knowledge that I am important to the restoration of the gospel.  I feel like I can do more now.  Her quotes were all wonderful.